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Create an account on our website. Then click "create game". Choose ship size and place on the board. Now you need to wait for a person who wants to play with you or share a link to the game in social media or your friends. You can also play on other user's games.
You can try our game for free! In this mode, you can't win real rewards and play with real users. Demo mode is only good to see how it works. The reward does not count into your account. Only for testing!
In you Dashboard, go to Deposits and press Generate Address button. Then choose how many bitcoin you want to deposit. After confirmation of payment via the network, funds will be added automatically to your account.
We accepted only payment with cryptocurrencies Bitcoin.
No! We strictly forbid management of multiple accounts by one person. You should not create or manage several accounts. Your account will be blocked, without the possibility of re-registration.
The value of the reward + the value of all shots.
Initial value of the ship divided by the initial number of available shots in the game.
Join the game which you want to play, select the number of shots and confirm payment.
50 shots are max for one field ships, max 25 for two field ships, max 17 for three field ships and max 13 shots for four field ships.
Yes, but only when nobody has played. Go to Dashboard > Games and find button Cancel next to Status.
Yes. Each fired shot increases the value of the reward. By winning entire game you also win the value of all shots + value of the initial reward.
Of course! You decide how many shots you want to cast on one board. You can shoot, for example, 5 times, but you can also use all available shots at once.
You can leave the game at any time and the amount for unused shots will be automatically refunded to your account.
Infinite amount. In the games you have created, you can’t play. Your task is to hide the ship and now other users have to find it!
Fixed amount, depending on the size of the ship. The smaller ship, the bigger reward.
It’s up to you. To the right, left, up and down, you can rotate. Use the arrows to select the right place.
When the ship is shot down or if all available shots are fired.
You can copy and paste the link with game to your friend!
You can share your game by pressing the social media button, which is directly next to your game.
In each game, either the shooter or the one who created the game wins. They have an equal chance because the board has 100 fields and shooter can only discover half of them. Bigger ships mean smaller reward and less available shots but it's still a mathematical 50% chance!
The player does not play against the computer, only against the second user who hide the ship somewhere. The creator is not able to change the position of the ship during the fight. Chances are aligned for both sides.
Yes. We charge small fees from players.
Create game - 3% value
Buying shots - 4% value
From winning - 5% value
Insert your wallet address. Click on Withdraw button and type amount of coins you would like to withdraw. You will see your transaction in the Withdrawal section with status.
The minimum withdraws amount is 0.003 BTC This minimum withdraw are set in order to avoid that players pay excessive fees for receiving small withdraw in their wallets.
For more safety, withdrawals are made manually. It can take from few minutes to few hours.
Invite your friends to Shipscoin and get 10% of their bought shots! Your friends don’t lose 10%, only You get 10%! You can withdraw the commission or use it to play.
It's not necessary to use our Referral Program.
There are a lot of ways promoting your referral link. You can provide you it to your friends during personal communication, emails, messengers chats, etc. You can also create a banner or text advertising campaigns (of course you should obey the advertising system rules). You can post your links in different kinds of games, bitcoin or investment-related chats, groups and forums. You can use any other kind of promotions, but please remember, that we strictly forbid sending any kind of SPAM content.
No. We strictly forbid management of multiple accounts by one person in our referral program and game.